Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Week 5 is Underway!!

Last week we were able to get some great throwing skills packed in. This week… it is time to move on to striking! We will be working on striking with various implements (bats, tennis racquets, hockey sticks, and paddles).

We started off yesterday with our stations. It went great. The best part of it is the weather! It is actually cooling down enough for us to get outside! We are still keeping an eye on the heat index, but yesterday went very smooth. The rotations we are using get the students out for about a 10 minute period. Then they are right back in the air-conditioning working in the gym!

A few of the GPS’s that we will be covering this week are:

Skill Transition: The learner will be able to recognize similarities and differences between movement skills and transfers appropriately from one to the other.

Manipulatives: The learner will be able to demonstrate progression of skill development using manipulatives.

Relationships: The learner will be able to demonstrate the body's relationships to other objects, individuals, and groups when meeting/parting, mirroring/matching, leading/following, or moving over, under, behind, and alongside.

Personal and Social Responsibility: The learner will be able to demonstrate responsible personal and social behavior in physical activity settings. Learner participates in establishing rules, procedures, and etiquette that are safe and effective for specific activities.

Cooperation: The learner will be able to demonstrate the ability to work successfully alone, with a partner, and with a small group.

Thanks for all your support!!

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