Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Holiday time!

I still can't believe we are already in November. It seems like the school year just started! We have been pretty busy since the last post. We covered kicking, introduced some fun tag games, learned new warm-ups, worked on some more throwing and catching, got the older kids into some modified games of flag football, and got the younger ones some work on dribbling!! The best part is the weather hasn't really been messing us up too bad!

As we get into the cooler months of fall please make sure your child has on a jacket in the morning. I know we have been having some awesome afternoons, but the mornings are staying fairly cool. The older grades (5th, 4th, and 3rd) are the first ones out for PE. We are usually starting some type of work outside by 9:00am.

One last thing!! The lost and found- it is crazy. If your child has misplaced a jacket or sweatshirt please stop by the table just outside the gym doors. There are still quite a few items on the table. I believe the unclaimed items will be donated to charity over the week of Thanksgiving!

thanks for all you parents do!!
Coach Jones

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