Thursday, January 21, 2010

Cold and Rain..

That pretty much describes the weather we've been having! Super cold..maybe a day or two that was decent..and now rain. Well, it hasn't slowed us down in PE. We are still truckin' right along.

When we got back from the break we "jumped" right into our jump-rope unit. It went great! The older students got to try out some new skills/tricks, while the younger students got the much needed reps with their ropes! Let me just tell you, every year it amazes me how well the kids pick up on the jump rope unit. Of course, we still have some who are still working on it, but over all the little ones really stepped it up!

We have now moved on to gymnastics! We are right at the beginning of this one. So, I don't have a lot of news to report, but so far so good! Please help us by reminding your students to make sure they have on socks (the cleaner the better)!! There aren't many who forget, but each class usually produces one or two students who somehow managed to get out of the house missing their socks!!

Coach Jones

PS- up next...DANCE!!!

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