Monday, December 17, 2012

Letter from Dr. Mobley

Dear Davis Parents:                         Monday, Dec. 17, 2012

It has been a difficult weekend for all of us. Our thoughts and prayers are with the Newtown, Connecticut community and especially the Sandy Hook Elementary school family.

I want to assure you that Davis has many security measures in place and we practice several different safety drills throughout the year. We want our students to feel that school is a safe place to be. We have multiple measures in place that enable us to keep the learning environment uninterrupted and safe.

Unfortunately there are acts of violence that take place like the events in Newtown that even our surveillance cameras, limited access to the building or other security measures cannot protect against. This was perpetrated by a disturbed individual. Despite that our highest priority is the safety of our students, your children. 

The staff will meet this afternoon to remind us all of the safety plans we have in place, to address concerns and make plans as we move forward from these heart wrenching events. We will make every effort to reassure the students that they are safe and we will do everything we can to keep them safe. We will not have discussions of what happened in any detail.

Cobb county police are visiting all schools in the county this week. We had an officer visit already this morning. They will also be readdressing safety plans and making any needed adjustments.

Thank you for your support. Hug your children a little tighter and celebrate the time you spend with them.

Dee Mobley

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