Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Hey People...wanted to apologize for neglecting my blog lately!! I am going to work on getting more up to date information on here.

Right now our volleyball unit is in full swing for the 2nd through 5th graders. We are getting into our modified games this week (the snow week) and next week as well. The students are doing great with it and are really starting to understand the flow of the game!

For K and 1st grade- we just finished up our intro to volleyball last week. We used balloons because we found out- they move much slower than an actual ball!! The K and 1st graders practiced some pretty sweet skills. Ask them what skills they practiced...hopefully they can tell you- Forearm pass (also called a bump); overhead pass (also called a set); spike (more commonly called a hit).

Since the K and 1st graders don't stick with volleyball as long as the older grades, it's time to introduce them to the next unit- jump rope!! We will be swinging ropes all over the gym!

One thing I could use your help on- please make sure your children are wearing athletic shoes on their PE days. We have had way too many boots lately. I know it's cold, but boots don't work well with PE skills....especially not jumping rope!!

Coach Jones

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