Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Davis Art Show!!

Mark your calendars now for our annual Davis ES Night of the Arts! Stop by the gym between 5:30 and 8:00 Tuesday night to see your child's favorite piece of artwork framed and proudly displayed. Love the frame? Think it would look great hanging in your home? Really love not having to take your child's amazing work of art to an expensive framing shop to preserve it forever? Great news! You can purchase the frame and take it home that night! The cost of $25 includes a small donation that will be used to buy equipment and supplies for the art room to benefit your children during all their years at Davis. So plan to bring your checkbook! Yes, we'll take cash too! Please note: We are unable to take charge cards. Artwork in unpurchased frames will be returned to students at a later date.

And . . . be prepared to be dazzled by our musical entertainment at the Night of the Arts as well! We are excited to announce that our talented Davis Chorus will present a spectacular performance in the Cafeteria as a part of the Night of the Arts. The Chorus will perform immediately following a brief PTA meeting at 6:30 P.M. The chorus program, entitled “Music Through the Ages” will feature music from Bach to Justin Bieber. Don’t miss the singing and dancing extravaganza featuring our fourth and fifth grade chorus students!

Please mark your calendars for March 13 and plan now to attend this evening of celebration to support the arts at Davis!

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