Monday, August 20, 2007

Week 2...

Well, the first week is gone! I think it went very well! Every class has been divided into squads, and all of the 2-5 students have learned our warm-ups. We even had time for a little game called- "Everybody's it Tag."

Here is what is on the schedule for this week:
Grades 2-5
o Review warm up walls
o Introduce partner pacer (this will tie into our fitness unit, which will be coming soon)
o Introduce large group/rainy day activities that we may be using periodically throughout the year
K & 1
o Remembering our squad colors and routines
o Introducing warm up walls
o Review/introduce locomotor skills
o Start our basic skills review: throwing, catching, striking, kicking…

Hope your child has enjoyed PE so far!! We have a ton to cover this year!!


Coach Jones

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